“Educators have the ability to transform lives, for the better”
– Magesh T. Rajan
My leadership in academia includes being an engaging and innovate educator in classroom and beyond. I strongly believe that educators are arguably the most important members of our society. Educators give students the purpose, prepare them for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in profession and life. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and educators are that critical point that makes students ready for their future.
Over a decade of service in the classrooms, I have taught over 80-course offerings, developed several innovative teaching pedagogies, and advised more than 1,200 students. I have been awarded Excellence in Teaching Innovation Awards. I am certified in a variety of teaching and learning innovations including flipped instruction, blended/hybrid Classroom, fully online courses, and challenge-based Instruction, just to name a few. My non-credit instruction includes STEM, plasma technology, and other industry-interest courses.
Teaching & Learning Highlights
- 80 Courses Taught
- 2 Excellence in Teaching Innovation Awards
- 1200 Students Advised
- 8 Teaching Certifications
- Teaching Innovation
- Face to Face Instruction
- Flipped Classroom Instruction,
- Blended/Hybrid Classroom
- Fully-Online Course Delivery
- Challenge-Based Instruction
- Project-Based Instruction
- Guided Inquiry Instruction
- Competency-Based Education
- 5 Invited Teaching Innovation Speeches
In the realm of scholarly research and publications, I have published, lead projects, or managed projects across the nation. In consideration of extramural funding, as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator, I have led over $9M in externally funded graduate research programs, including a $700,000 NASA program for wireless body area networks and secure cyber communication and an $800,000 Department of Defense Program on Cold Plasma Technologies. My research has contributed to body of knowledge and new research and development of cold plasma technologies worldwide. I have mentored and supported faculty and researchers internationally for a broader impact on society worldwide.
Research Expertise
Non-thermal Cold Plasma Technologies
- Resistive and Dielectric Plasmas
- Atmospheric and Air Plasmas
- Microbial Deactivation
- Food Pasteurization
- Hospital Sterilization
- Polymer Processing
- Medical and Biomedical Applications
- Cancer Treatment
Laser Plasma Technologies
Laser Materials Interactions
High Density Plasmas in Gases and Liquids
Laser Plasma at Phase Boundaries
Laser-Plasma Shockwave Interactions
Laser Shadowgraphy
Laser Interferometry
Optical Emission Spectrascopy
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Space Technologies
- Space Agriculture Food Security
- Sterilization – Space Grown Vegetation
- Space-Wireless Body Area Network
Nanoparticle Synthesis
- Organic and Inorganic Nanoparticles Nanoparticles Synthesis in Liquids
- Nanofluids and Characterization
My successful track record in scholarly work includes:
- 3 Research leadership positions
- $9M+ Research Funding
- 100+ Publications
- 30+ Research Students Trained
- 2 Text Books
- 5 Book Chapters
- 1 Intellectual Property
- Service to Several Scientific Societies
Selected Publications
- Magesh T. Rajan, Haiping Hong and Rizbi Hasan. “Synthesis and characterization of water based Al2O3 nanofluid using laser induced plasma” Journal of Nanofluids, In-press, 2020.
- Magesh T. Rajan and Rizbi Hasan. “Laser plasma induced TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in water and particle characterization” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, p. 56556 – 56563, 2019.
- Magesh T. Rajan, Haiping Hong and Rizbi Hasan. “Laser plasma induced Cu2O nanoparticle synthesis in ethanol and nanofluid particle characterization” Journal of Nanofluids, Vol. 8, pp 1676 – 1682, 2019.
- Navanietha Rathinam, Gorky, Mohit Bibra, Magesh Rajan, David Salem, Rajesh Sani. “Short Term Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasma treatment: A Novel Strategy for enhancing the Substrate Utilization in a thermophile, Geobacillus sp.” Journal: Bioresource Technology, 2019.
- Abdollah Sarani, and Cosmina Nicula, Xavier F. Gonzales, Magesh T. Rajan. “Characterization of Kilohertz-Ignited Non-thermal He and He/O2 Plasma Pencil for Biomedical Applications.” Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science – Special Issue, vol. 42, no. 10, 2014.
- Magesh T. Rajan, H. Anderson, X. F. Gonzales. “Induction of apoptosis in human myeloid leukemia cells by remote exposure of resistive barrier cold plasma.” Journal: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2014.
- Magesh T. Rajan, Abdollah Sarani, and Cosmina Nicula. “Optical emission spectroscopic diagnostics of a non-thermal atmospheric pressure helium-oxygen plasma jet for biomedical applications.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 113, p. 233302, 2013.
- Magesh T. Rajan. “A Portable Atmospheric Air Plasma Device for Biomedical Treatment Applications.” ASME Journal of Medical Devices. vol. 7, Issue 1, p. 011007, 2013.
- Magesh T. Rajan, A. Sarani, and X. Gonzales. “Atmospheric resistive barrier air plasma jet induced bacterial inactivation in aqueous environment.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 113, 2013.
- Magesh T. Rajan, Abdollah Sarani, and Xavier Gonzales. “Characterization of Portable Resistive Barrier Plasma Jet and Its Direct and Indirect Treatment for Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and THP-1 Leukemia Cancer Cells.” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 40, 12, 2012.
- Magesh T. Rajan, Kenneth Williamson, and Anudeep Reddy Kandi. “Experimental Investigation of 1064-nm IR Laser-Induced Air Plasma Using Optical Laser Shadowgraphy Diagnostics.” Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 40, no. 10, 2012.
- Magesh T. Rajan and Shane Thompson. “Optical breakdown threshold investigation of 1064 nm laser induced air plasmas” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 111, p. 073302, 2012.
- Magesh T. Rajan and John Scharer. “Experimental Investigation of 193 nm Laser Breakdown in Air.” Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 36, no. 5, 2512 – 2521, 2008.
- Magesh T. Rajan and John Scharer. “Experimental Investigation of UV Laser Induced Plasma Density and Temperature Evolution in Air.” Journal of Applied Physics 104, 013303, 2008.
- Magesh T. Rajan, I. Alexeff, S. Parameswaran, and S. Beebe. “Atmospheric Pressure Resistive Barrier Cold Plasma for Biological Decontamination.” Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33, no. 21, 2005
Servant Leader
I am a servant leader and I am a firm believer that a true leader leads through service. My career in higher education, industry, professional organizations, and community involve demonstrates the diverse levels of commitment, service, and leadership I have undertaken. On a university-level, I have served as leader in vision and strategic planning committee, graduate student recruitment, faculty senate, International Education Committee, and system-level engineering coordination program; to department-level as chair of departments, recruitment & retention committees, development & fundraising, corporate engagement, and ABET Accreditation Committee with six 100% success results. I helved director positions for several regional community organizations, served on a community college engineering advisory board; and was a sought-out speaker for STEM institutes or programs geared toward high school students. My corporate service includes partnerships with HEB, Water Street Restaurants, Pepsi Co, various entrepreneur recognitions, and serving on Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Higher Education Service Leadership
- 10+ Strategic Plans (University/College/Department)
- 4+ Student Recruitment Ambassador (US/International)
- Faculty Senator (Department, College)
- 3+ Faculty Development and Promotion & Tenure
- Student Scholarships
- 5+ Curriculum Chair
- 4+ Research Enhancement Chairs
- 3+ Graduate and International Education
- 3+ Student Retention Chair
- Academic Program Development and Accreditation Chair
- 28+ Faculty/Staff Hiring Chair
- Industry Partnerships and Advisory Boards
- Fundraising Committee
Outreach & Community Service
Director, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Annual Texas Coastal Bend Regional Engineering Competitions
Director, Engineering-Week Activities, Texas A&M, 2010-2013
Director, Sumo-Bots, Science Olympiad, Texas, 2011
Advisory Board, Del Mar Community College – Engineering Program, Texas, 2010 – 2017
STEM First Tech Challenge (FTC), Outreach & Recruitment, Texas, 2013
Director, 1st South Texas Engineering Design Fair for Outreach & Recruitment, Texas, 2011
Invited Speaker, STEM Summer Institute for High School Students, 2014
Invited Speaker, Lab Tour Annually for School Students in the Texas Coastal Bend Region
Invited Speaker, Engineering Program – Recruiting Event for ESLI Students
Science Fair Judge, School of Science and Technology, Texas
Faculty Mentor, High School Innovation Academy Mentors, 2010-2017
Professional, Regional & National Services
- Executive Committee, IEEE Black Hills Subsection, South Dakota
- Program Evaluator (PEV), ABET Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
- Commercial Technology Reviewer, Governor Perry’s Texas Emerging Technology, Texas
- Invited Speaker, Rotary Club of Corpus Christi, Texas
- Member, Business Professionals of the Coastal Bend, Texas
- Non-Profit Partnership, Brooke’s Blossoming Hope for Childhood Cancer Foundation, Texas
- Business Representative, U.S. Senator John Cornyn visit to Innovation Center
- Board Member, Junior Auxiliary Board, Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
- Committee Member, STEA South Texas Engineering Alliance Consortium
- Associate Editor, AIMS Bioengineering Journal
- Editorial, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering
- Editor, Current Research in Surface Chemistry Journal
- Technical Session Chair, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
- Panel Reviewer, US DOE Department of Energy, SBIR/STTR Programs
- Panel Reviewer, US NSF National Science Foundation
- Elected Representative, NASA TSGC Texas Space Grant Consortium
- Grant Reviewer, NASA TSGC Texas Space Grant Consortium
- Founder and Faculty Advisor, Coastal Bend ASME Chapter, Nationally Recognized
- SDES SD Engineering Society
- Technical Chair, Texas A&M Pathways Conference
- Technical Chair, LSAMP Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Conference
- Evaluator, Promotion Dossiers for the several US and International institutions
- Member, ECEDHA Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Head Association
- Panelist, NSF National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Review
- Technical Session Chair, SACNAS Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science Conference
- Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, JAP Journal of Applied Physics, EPL Europhysics Letters, Journal of Applied Optics, Journal of Optical Communications, Optics Express, Medical Research Archives, Food Biophysics, Biophysical Reviews and Letters, Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials, Biotechnology, and Bioengineering